O Saint Catharine, thou lily of virginity and rose of charity who didst adorn the garden of Saint Dominic, heroine of Christian zeal who wast chosen like Saint Francis to be the special Patron of Italy, to thee we have recourse with confidence, invoking thy mighty protection upon ourselves and upon the whole Church of Christ, thy Beloved, in whose Heart thou didst drink of the inexhaustible fountain of all grace and all peace for thee and for the world. From that divine Heart thou didst draw the living water of virtue and concord in families, of upright conduct in young people, of union among the discordant nations, of renewal of public morality and of brotherly love, which is compassionate and benevolent towards the unfortunate and suffering, and didst teach us by thy example how to unite the love of Christ with the love of country.
If thou loves the land of Italy and its people entrusted to thee, if pity for us moves thee, if that tomb is dear to thee in which Rome venerates and honors they virginal remains, oh! graciously turn thine eyes and the favor upon our pain and upon our prayer, and fulfil our desires.
Defend, assist, and comfort thy fatherland and the world. Under thy protection and thy guidance be the sons and daughters of Italy, our hearts and our minds, our labors and our hopes, our faith and our love; that faith and that love which formed thy very life and made thee the living image of Christ crucified in thy intrepid zeal for His Spouse, Holy Church.
O heroic and holy messenger of union and peace for the Church of Christ, thou who didst restore the successor of Peter to the Apostolic Roman See in the splendor of its authority and teaching office, protect and console him in his paternal and universal solicitude, in his anxious cares and in his counsels for the salvation and the tranquility of the peoples of the earth; revive, preserve, and increase in us and in all faithful Christians, O heavenly Patroness, the affection and the filial submission which thou didst cherish for him and for the fold of Christ in a world at peace. Amen (Pope Pius XII)
An indulgence of 500 days.
A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, if this prayer is devoutly recited every day for a month (Pius XII, Rescript in his own hand, March 7, 1942, document exhibited, March 24, 1942; S.P. Ap., June 8, 1949).
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